Jobs and careers

North Carolina Jobs

Available sales jobs and positions in Raleigh, NC

Candidates who are willing to take up sales jobs in Raleigh can easily find such jobs by going through the job listing available online. Such people can also apply for such jobs online. You can submit resumes and take the interview also online. Even new openings get updated on the job boards regularly and you can easily find these jobs in Raleigh. You can come across job openings not only in Raleigh but also the surrounding areas by means of the job listings online. Plenty of part time and work from home jobs are also available. Best pay and a nice working environment are available to all job aspirants willing to work in the sales field in Raleigh. Companies can also make use of the job portals to find suitable personnel for their firms.

Vacancies for Sales Managers

The Sales Manager in Raleigh has to lead a team of junior sales professionals. They should also set sales goals, train executives, handle product complaints and maintain good contact with the managers of other departments. They should also train customer service personnel and establish policies pertaining to customer management. They must strive to achieve the highest degree of customer satisfaction by interacting with the marketing and operations managers. They must also be able to give sales presentations and conduct regular meetings with junior executives and clients. They must have a pleasing personality and good communication skills.

Jobs in the sales field

The various jobs available in the sales field include that of Service and Sales Manager, Sales Executive, Vice President- Sales, Sales Co-ordinator, Assistant Sales Manager etc. Job aspirants must have a basic degree and about 3 years of experience in a sales environment for being able to apply for these posts.

Pre-requisites for sales job positions

Good communication skills and sales ability are a must among job aspirants. Candidates must also know about all aspects of sales and marketing and should maintain a good database of contacts. They should be able to maintain deadlines by working independently. They must also be able to expand customer base and meet the company deadlines.

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