There are excellent options for summer jobs and in Sacramento and you can make use of the job listing to find the same in this city. You can also find lots of home based and part time job opportunities in Sacramento. Most of the job openings are in the tourism related industry and some of the jobs are as camp directors, counselors etc. The other job options include those of activity specialists, lifeguards, nurses, counselors, camp supervisors etc.
Job as Counselor
Those willing to work as summer time counselors should have to implement the Counselor training and development program. They are also required to facilitate and guide the development of skills in camp activities, leadership etc among camp participants. Further information regarding such jobs can be found from the website. Those who wish to work as a pool counselor must help in the implementation of the aquatic program. They must also be capable of working as a lifeguard in Sacramento.
Vacancies for Summer Engineering Interns
Vacancies can also be found for those who wish to work as summer engineering interns in Sacramento. These people have to assist the staff engineers regarding the calculations, CADD drawings and preparation of deliverables. They may also have to conduct site visits, and collect relevant documents from agencies and clients. They also take up administrative duties such as filing work, taking copies etc.
Job for drivers
Driver summer job positions are also available in plenty in Sacramento. Drivers will have to collect dues and invoice items, deliver products to customers, secure company assets, check accuracy of load, settle accounts on a daily basis and pick up company property. They should also know about DOT regulations and be able to work with minimum supervision. They should also have a valid driver’s license and local delivery experience.
Other job options
Those who are willing can also work as groundskeepers or maintenance staff in Sacramento. They should take up maintenance of the cleanliness of the building and that of the parking lot and sidewalk areas. Most of the summer jobs can be found only in the hospitality industry. You can also find jobs as a summer recreation leader in Sacramento. Job aspirants for such jobs should be able to plan and organize activities for children aged between 5 and 12. They should also possess prior camp or recreation experience with children. Even college students are allowed to apply for such jobs. Those who apply must be reliable, able to work flexible hours and should be self starters. There is also requirement for home nurses, pet care staff, lawn care and maintenance staffs in summer in Sacramento.
You can also find plenty of summer job vacancies in the sales and marketing fields. Best pay and growth prospects are available to the right candidates. Previous experience is not essential to work in this field and the company gives training to the eligible candidates. Students can also apply for such jobs and can get a chance for career advancement. They must be willing to start work immediately and should be over 17 years of age.