Job seekers in the marketing line in Columbus can make use of the job listings to locate jobs. Several jobs keep getting generated everyday in the marketing field in reputed firms in Columbus. Those having a basic degree and some years of experience can get placed in many positions in the sales and marketing field in Columbus. Even part time vacancies and work from home options are available to those who are interested in working in this area.
Marketing Jobs
Marketing jobs at all levels are available in Columbus and job seekers must have a firm will to succeed to be successful as a marketing professional. Quality jobs are available and best pay and prospects for growth are guaranteed to these professionals. You can also make use of the websites to locate jobs in this area which are varied and many. Employers also make use of the websites and job portals to source the right personnel these days. Marketing professionals must be customer friendly and have good persuasion skills to convince customers. They must also have strong work ethic and good presentation skills to succeed in the marketing field.
Functions of Marketing Executives
Sales and marketing professionals in Columbus must be in close touch with the sales team and help promote business development. They must ensure that all business questions are answered and should be able to convert them into reports. The senior marketing manager must be able to advice and support and put forth ideas for development of business. He must have a clear understanding of the firm’s goals and must be able to spur communication on that basis. Marketing Professionals in general are also in charge of calling for business forums and meetings with the senior management and must have regular discussions with field leadership and product managers. Managers in the field of Market Research must undertake market analysis and should support the development of modern tools. Marketing Managers must also lead and conduct market Research plans by considering the market structures and products.
Functions of a Marketing Manager
A Marketing Manager in Columbus is in charge of the 5 P’s namely products, pricing, packaging, place and promotion. He should ensure the customer’s needs are integrated in the product design and must work out the niche of the product. He must also set the price of the products and set discounts etc. With regard to packaging, he must revitalize product packaging, change point of sale etc. He must also oversee product distribution, engage advertising firms, purchase media, select retail partners etc.
Other functions
Best pay and lucrative pay are guaranteed to those working the marketing field. Those with a marketing qualification can find jobs Senior Marketing Manager, Vice President- Sales, Marketing co-ordinator, Executive-sales, Senior Sales Executive, Marketing Assistant etc. Opportunities in this field are ever increasing especially with the setting up of shopping malls, call centers, private banks etc in almost every city. These establishments are in need of sales people at different levels.