You can find numerous summer jobs and vacancies in Washington. Using the job listing, you can find well-paid summer jobs in various firms in Washington. You can find both part time and full time positions along with home based vacancies in the summer jobs category in Washington.
Work options
You can find summer jobs for several positions such as cooks, lifeguards, camp counselors, sales people, social work assistants, camp directors, daycare attendants, recreational workers, drivers, daycare teachers, groundskeepers, general child care, nannies, etc. You can also find jobs such as music assistants, crafts and arts assistants, games and sports assistants, counselors etc.
Job as Groundskeeper
There are ample job opportunities for maintenance staff such as groundskeepers in Washington. Such people have to be responsible for the maintenance of landscape and grounds and should also see that the exterior of the building is maintained neatly. The maintenance of the parking lot and sidewalk areas also comes under their job responsibility. They should follow some procedures so that the safety and security of the building is maintained. They must also help the maintenance staff to perform other duties efficiently.
Vacancies for sales people
A number of summer job vacancies are available for sales people. Many job vacancies can also be found in the entry level. The right candidates can be assured of excellent pay. The firms also offer training and no prior experience is necessary. Candidates can also have prospects for career advancement. Students from all majors can apply for such positions. Candidates must be over 17 years of age and should be able to start working immediately.
Work as summer camp director
There is also the need for summer camp directors in Washington. Job aspirants for this post must be able to interact and lead summer camp participants in a number of activities. They also must be able to work closely with the other employees, the public and with children. They must also abide by the decision of supervisors working above them. They should be reliable people who have no record of criminal history and have a good character. Driving skills are also preferable among such candidates.
Jobs in maintenance and trade
Summer jobs are also offered by many other companies in Washington which are to do with home maintenance. Hotels and multi purpose resorts also appoint workers to maintain vehicles and buildings and also for purposes of driving. A lot of work opportunities can be found by qualified trades people who can offer their skills or offer services to a volunteer project.
The job opportunities during summer in Washington are many and you can pursue them depending on how much customer contact you wish to have. As most of the summer jobs are tourism based, you can find such jobs mostly in the customer service and hospitality sector. You can also find a number of summer jobs in areas such as pet care, child care etc and these careers can also be pursued by students also to earn extra income.